The Happy Son / JR Fenn / Fiction
A Lost Coastline / Dylan Seeman / Art
Argestes, In Heat / Paloma Maria Freitas / Fiction
Impact / Katie Wilde / Art
The Banger / Rebecca Winterer / Fiction
Midday Living / Drie Chapek / Art
Goddess Musings #1 / Micaela Foreman / Fiction
How We Learned to Fly / Anita Hunt / Poem
Lucky Stones / Christy O’Callaghan / Fiction
His T-shirt and Mine / Milo Harvey / Poem
Maybe Both / Jordan Nishkian / Fiction
Incoming Message From @mr_wolf… / Freya Morris / Fiction
At the Edge of Things / William Winston / Poem
Sea Horse: An Ode / George Kramer / Poem
Ginger Cake / Indyana Horobin / Best of CNF
Eulogistic Texts to My Dead Girlfriend as a Timeline of Grief / Kyo Lee / Best of Fiction
Comfort / Juanjuan Henderson / Best of Art (shown here)
The Buddha Train / Stephen Policoff / Best of Novel
She’s Undone / GJ Gillespie / Finalist / Art
Reflection in Orange / Robin Young / Finalist / Art
My Glittering City / Heather Shreve / Finalist / Art
Your Body is Real / Anna Troxell / Finalist / Art
Proper Adults / Caitlyn Moony / Novel Excerpt
Disturbances / Lenora Steele / Best of Poetry
Nineteen Years Old on a Friday Night / Evien Berry / Best of CNF
Guardian, On the Road to Mt. Nemrud – Turkiye, 2011 / William Winston / Best of Art (Shown Here)
The Key is to Keep Saying Sorry / Adrian Fleur / Best of Fiction
The Older Man / Alan Sincic / Fiction / Finalist
Eclipse /David Landau / Fiction / Finalist
Don’t Look Up / Pamela Viggiani / Art (Shown Here)
Dear Susan, I Am Your Antony – Emily D. / Rosa Lane / Best of Poetry
The Morning After You Passed / Alfie White / Best of Fiction
In the Nest / Annie Dawid / Art
Mis-en-scéne / Kathy Flann / Essay
The Lido / Donna Ferguson / Best of Fiction
Revenant / J Carraher / Best of Poetry
In the Woods Once Upon a Time / Robin Young / Best of Art (Shown Here)
Dean Martin / Jennifer Seigle / Essay
Nightwalk / Bill Schulz / Painting (shown here)
Two Winters Long / Nathaniel Eddy / Novel / Best of Novels
Genesis / Rex Wilder / Best of Art
Grinders and Cream / Robert Hickson / Fiction / Best of Short Stories
The Devil in the Details / TJ Morley / Fiction
Deus in Machina / Karen Davis / Novel
Kentucky Blood (Book I) / Ashley Sheikh / Novel
Woodcutter / Danielle Stonehirsch / Fiction
BUZZKILL / Leila Springer / Fiction
A Dream of Tibet / Bill Schulz / Painting
Book, Escape, Sanctuary / Lesley Finn / Essay with Erased & Collaged Pages
Hope your heart is lighter than a feather / Quentin Pace / Best of Art (left)
A Brief History of a Flood / J Carraher / Best of Essay
Lavender / Marilyn Hope / Best of Fiction (tied)
Salvatore Milione / Maureen Hall / Best of Fiction (tied)
Adrift in Deep Sea / Penny Senanarong / Art
Body Count / Michael Cullinane / Fiction
Motorcycling to Mexican Time and the Zen Sea WC-3244 / Essay
Fishing for her children / Dave Sims / Art
Seeing the Spider / Luann Lewis / Fiction
The Weather Circus / Aubrie Brown / Fiction
plumeria / Helen Wu / Best of Poetry
Canopy / Kim Downey / Best of CNF
What Is a Mouth / EZAM / Best of Graphic Novel
Death Portrait of Pappoo / Peter Chechopoulos / Best of Art
Restoration / Juan Gallo / Art (Left)
Moon / Irene Blair Honeycutt / Poem
Riverside, Dubuque, IA Series / Christopher Paul Brown / Art
I miss our old house and the bougainvillea tree outside our window / Christine Imperial / Poem
Rust / Ginna Wilkerson / Art
I Can Tell You / Kyle Gardner / Fiction
Regarding your workplace / Ben Elliott / Poem
Web / Susan Dambroff / Art
How the Giantess Became Small / Amy Marques / Poem
And Blood the Next Day / Brendan Straubel / Fiction
Leftover Summer Somnolence / Katrina Lemaire / Poem
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